Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Clinic? Here’s your guide to all-things-UMass in Chicago!
Comment below if you’re attending!
UMass Music & Dance booth (#1833)
Catch up with the latest news from the Fine Arts Center and beyond! UMMB director Dr. Anderson and TAs Matt Sypek, Dave Morris, and Tom Wilson are workin’ the booth!
Gino’s East / Ron of Japan
Check your Facebook feed for UMass and DMA gatherings!
Alumni Sessions & Performances
Show your fellow alumni some love!
Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma booth (#918)
Visit UMMB alum and TBΣ National Vice President of Colonization and Membership Jonathan Markowski ’02 to learn what’s new with KKΨ and TBΣ.
Designing Total Program Success
This clinic will help band directors discover proven ways to make his or her program more fulfilling musically, emotionally, and professionally. UMass Music alum Bobby Lambert ’01MM, is Director of Bands at Wando High School in Mount Pleasant, SC.
Wed., Dec 14, 1:15-2:15 pm
Champaign Central High School Jazz Ensemble
UMMB alum John Currey ’92 is Director of Instrumental Music at Champaign Central High School in Champaign, Il. John studied saxophone at UMass with Lynn Klock and Yusef Lateef and also worked with Malcolm Rowell, Dave Sporny, and George Parks. This is the 3rd appearance of a Central ensemble at Midwest.
Thu., Dec 15, 1:30-2:30 pm
Building a Better Band Through the Chamber Ensemble Experience
UMass Music alum David Ellis ’14MM performs with Florida State University’s Seminole Trombone Quartet. This demonstration covers the aspects of developing middle and high school level chamber ensembles and will explore the core aspects of what truly makes a chamber music experience.
Fri., Dec 16, 3:00-4:00 pm
“The President’s Own” United States Marine Band
“The President’s Own” United States Marine Band and Chamber Ensembles
UMass alumnus and Director of The President’s Own, LtCol Jason K. Fettig ’97 ’98MM leads the full band and the Chamber Ensembles in performance.
Chamber Ensembles: Wed., Dec 14, 8:15-9:20 am
Band: Wed, Dec 14, 5:30-6:45 pm
Making the March King: The Sousa March in Form, Style and Performance
Musicologist and Sousa scholar Dr. Patrick Warfield joins the “The President’s Own” to explore Sousa’s remarkable development as a composer through performance of the different types of Sousa marches.
Thu., Dec 15, 8:30-9:30 am
Alumni News
UMass alumna Amy (Golden) Delorge ’92 is one of 25 semi-finalists nominated to the Music & Arts Educator of the Year award. Semi-finalists are invited to the Midwest Clinic where the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place honorees will be announced. She teaches music in Biddeford, ME.
Read more: Music & Arts | Biddeford Journal Tribune