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Constitution & By-Laws

UMass Band Alumni Association, est. 1966
UMass Band Alumni Network, est. 2017
Constitution & By-Laws, adopted 2020


This Committee shall be called UMass Band Alumni Network Core Committee (Committee).


The Object of the Committee shall be to coordinate the activities of the UMass Band Alumni Network (Network).


The management of the Committee shall be vested in an Executive Committee with the following authority:

Operate and oversee the Network as an official affinity network of the UMass Amherst Alumni Association, with all rights and responsibilities thereto.

Maintain control of Network property, management of the Network’s activities, and enforcement and preservation of order and obedience to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules.

Execute all contracts, commitments, or purchases.

Establish all Rules and policies governing the activities of the Network and to do all other things necessary for its proper management.


The Committee’s officers shall be restricted to those members who were an active member of the UMMB for one or more years.


The officers of the Committee shall be classified as follows:

  1. Constitutional
  2. Members-at-Large
  3. Band Management


The following officers shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting and shall serve for a term of one to three years until the adjournment of the next Annual Meeting or until their successors have been elected.

  1. President (3 yr)
  2. Vice President (2 yr)
  3. Executive Secretary (2 yr)
  4. Treasurer (2 yr)
  5. Homecoming Chairperson (18 mo)
  6. Big Band Bash Chairperson (18 mo)

Members of the Committee shall present a slate of names nominated to serve in these roles at the annual Band Alumni Meeting and with a simple majority, be voted upon by alumni in attendance, with a slate of nominated officers posted online 30 days prior.

Officers may be removed for justifiable cause. Constitutional officers must call a special meeting of alumni, at which all parties must state their case for removal. A two-thirds majority vote removes the officer in question.

Officers that have been removed for cause or resigned may be replaced temporarily by the Committee, but must be approved at the next annual meeting.


Members-at-Large may be nominated by self or peer at any time and presented to the Committee at any scheduled meeting. Constitutional officers will vote on approving the nomination of the members-at-large at the next scheduled meeting. They are free to attend meetings, and should be seen as promising candidates for future constitutional officers. Members-at-Large are afforded a vote at any meetings they attend.


Band Management Representatives (Director, Associate/Assistant Director, Band Manager) are welcome at all meetings and are afforded a vote at any meetings they attend.


General Members are any Alumni (Student or Staff) of the UMMB that are not Constitutional Officers, Members At Large, or Band Management. They are not voting members at regular meetings. However, they are afforded a vote at the Annual Meeting.


The Committee shall be required to hold regularly scheduled meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at GNiP, unless otherwise agreed by the Committee. Attendance may be in-person or via a scheduled conference line. Quorum for regular business shall be set at five voting members, including at least three constitutional officers.

The order of business undertaken at the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:

  1. Call to order
  2. Reading of the Minutes of Previous Meeting
  3. Reports: Treasurer, Homecoming, Big Band Bash
  4. Unfinished and New Business
  5. Adjournment


By discretion of the Executive Committee, ad-hoc committees shall be established and members voted-in to serve by simple majority of the Executive Committee.  Ad-hoc committees will serve as appointed by the Committee, which may be renewed as determined by the Executive Committee.  Standing committees shall be proposed, discussed, and voted upon as a By-Law amendment.


The Constitution or By-Laws may be altered, repealed, or amended by a majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, provided however that a quorum is present and the changes shall have been sent to each Committee member and Members at Large at least two weeks prior to such meeting. Quorum for such changes shall be set at two-thirds of all voting members. Upon adoption of changes, the Executive Secretary will publish changes to all alumni.




The President shall be presiding officer at all meetings. The President shall be the principal officer in administering the affairs of the Committee, enforcing the rules, and carrying out the mandates of the Committee. The President (or their designee) shall serve as liaison to the UMass Amherst Alumni Association.  The President shall serve a three-year term with the expectation of serving as ex-officio advisor for a period of six months.


The Vice President shall assist the President in their duties and officiate in their absence. Additional duties may be assigned at the President’s discretion. The Vice President shall serve a two-year term.


The Treasurer shall work with the University of Massachusetts Minuteman Marching Band (UMMB) Business Manager to pay all Network expenses duly approved by the Committee. The Treasurer shall keep the Committee currently informed on the status of the Network’s finances by rendering a report at each of their meetings. Expenditures shall be approved by simple majority of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall serve a two-year term.


The Executive Secretary shall maintain and disseminate the minutes of all meetings of the Committee prior to the next scheduled meeting. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for all legal documents, annual reports, amendments to By-Laws, and recommendations of all chairpersons of committees, and to maintain said documents and reports in a secure place. The Executive Secretary shall serve as the Network’s liaison to the UMMB Ad Staff historian and to UMMB service organization leadership. The Executive Secretary shall serve a two-year term.


The Homecoming Chairperson shall appoint assistants to assist them in their duties, one of which shall include the Band Director, or their designee. Prior to the June meeting of the Committee, the Homecoming Chairperson shall submit a schedule of events and a proposed budget for the next Homecoming to the Committee for its approval. The Homecoming Chairperson shall submit a report to the Committee of the results of each social function. The Homecoming Chairperson  shall serve an 18-month term (12 months as chairperson and 6 months to assist and advise the incoming chairperson).


The Big Band Bash (BBB) Chairperson shall appoint assistants to assist them in their duties and shall serve as liaison to UMMB service organization leadership. The BBB Chairperson shall submit a schedule of events and proposed budget for the next Big Band Bash to the Committee for its approval. Submission shall be due prior to the regular February meeting. The BBB Chairperson shall submit a report to the Committee of the results of each Bash. The BBB Chairperson shall serve an 18-month term (12 months as chairperson and 6 months to assist and advise the incoming chairperson).


All Committee members shall serve without remuneration.